
Weight Loss

Can I Use Fish Oil For Weight Loss?

Fish Oil is a widely consumed dietary supplement that has grown in popularity over recent years. Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it offers a wide range of health benefits for the heart, brain, promoting healthy skin and may even help with weight loss. Fish oil’s possible contribution to reducing inflammation in the body, coupled with its ability to regulate hormones, mean it may help with weight loss

What Is Fish Oil Omega-3

Fish oil is fat, or oil, that is extracted from fish and typically put into a capsule that is then taken as a dietary supplement. It is usually produced from fatty fish such as albacore tuna, wild salmon, anchovies, sardines, along with some others in order to produce optimum health. “The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 1–2 portions of fish per week….However, if you don’t eat 1–2 servings of fish per week, fish oil supplements can help you get enough omega-3s.” (3) 

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the human body and its building blocks. Although there are several types of these fats, the most important ones can be put into two categories: essential omega-3 fatty acids, and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. 

Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 

These are known as Alpha-Linolenic Acid (AHA), and readily found in vegetable oils like flaxseed and canola. It is also found in nuts, seeds, and certain meats. ALA is also present in some dairy products such as cheese and milk.(1) ALA’s are considered essential because the human body can’t produce it on its own, we must rely on our diet in order to obtain it. 

Long-Chain Fatty Acids: 

“The two most known are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are mainly found in fish oil and fatty fish, but also in seafood, algae and algae oil. “(2) These two fatty acids are not normally considered essential due to the fact that they can be produced through ALA, but they seem to contain more health benefits. Overall, omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil are crucial to the human body. It contains many building blocks that are necessary for optimal health, including weight loss support. 

Fish Oil And Weight Loss

Fish oil may help promote weight loss in some people, although results can vary from person to person. One of the ways fish oil can help weight loss is by suppressing hunger and combating inflammation. With the nutrients and fats that it contains, it may help some people feel fuller for a longer period of time. If they aren’t eating as much, there is greater potential for the caloric deficit that promotes weight loss. Another way fish oil may help with weight loss, is by increasing the production of the hormone known as leptin. This hormone is produced in the fat cells of our bodies, and helps regulate appetite. In addition, it works to reduce hunger by triggering the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that stimulates the synthesis of a-MSH, a hunger-suppressing hormone. Leptin can also decrease the activity of hunger-promoting neurons in the brain. (1) Furthermore, the omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish oil may also contain anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation makes it more difficult for the body to lose weight, but “fish oil counteracts harmful effects by blocking the inflammatory agents.” (1) 

Another way fish oil may help with weight loss is by increasing metabolism. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn each day. “When healthy older women took 3 grams of fish oil per day for 12 weeks, their metabolic rates increased by around 14%, which is the equivalent of burning an extra 187 calories per day.” (2) With this new information, it just adds extra benefits to this powerhouse supplement. Nevertheless, fish oil supplements can help guide you along on your weight loss journey, but there are other important factors to consider. 

Fish Oil For Weight Loss And Lifestyle Changes

Fish Oil is just the first step when it comes to losing weight. Consuming this product alone will not guarantee any results without appropriate lifestyle changes. Your diet as a whole plays an important role in your health and wellness, and may require an overhaul in order to achieve weight loss. Try to stay away from processed foods, too much sugar, and other unhealthy choices such as fast food. Maintaining a well-balanced diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein (such as fish, turkey, chicken, etc), whole grains, and other natural foods, is important for weight loss. Fish oil alone may not be a suitable solution for weight loss for everyone. Everyone’s body is different, so there are various approaches that you may need to take to achieve your goals.

Although diet does play a role in anyone’s weight loss journey, adding in some physical activities can help as well. Whether it’s running, walking, swimming, lifting weight, yoga, they are all great ways to move your body. Seek out what is right for your body and lifestyle. If you have any concerns, speak to a professional for any medical advice. The combination of fish oil, a balanced diet, physical activity, and professional medical advice may help you get closer to  achieving your weight loss goals. 

Seek Advice From A Professional Before Taking Fish Oil

It is important to know the daily dosage that is appropriate for your body. It’s not necessarily a “one-size-fits-all” scenario, so it’s important to speak to a professional about it. Before taking fish oil, make sure to consult with your primary care doctor in regards to the steps you want to take. There may be certain people for whom fish oil supplements are not acceptable at all. If you are allergic to fish, are pregnant, or have any other questions and concerns, you’ll definitely want to speak to a physician before taking fish oil, or any dietary supplement

Final Thoughts On Using Fish Oil for Weight Loss

Using Fish Oil is a great way to start your weight loss journey.  It is an easy way to add in those omega-3’s that many people may be missing from their diets, especially for those who don’t eat a lot of fish. The consumption of fish oil can be a great way to supplement a healthy lifestyle supported by a balanced diet and exercise routine. The benefits of fish oil may vary from person to person, therefore a deeper dive is necessary before introducing it into your diet. If you are in doubt, always consult your doctor before consuming any sort of supplement. Overall, fish oil offers a wide range of health benefits, one of them being possible weight loss.  Always do what is best for your body to support a happy and healthy life. 


  1. https://vitagene.com/blog/fish-oil-for-weight-loss/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/omega-3-fish-oil-and-weight-loss#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-benefits-of-fish-oil#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2
  4. https://www.bodylogicmd.com/blog/does-fish-oil-help-with-weight-loss/ 

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