
Back Pain

Using Tennis Balls for DIY Lower Back Pain Massage

One of the most inconvenient things you may experience would be a sudden bout of back pain. Besides making your early mornings painful, it may also limit your movement during those busy days at work.

In such a case, you may have to familiarize yourself with a couple of DIY lower back massage methods to try and alleviate its effects.

One such method that you may apply would be the use of tennis balls.

It may seem like a strange suggestion, but it actually does work. Below are just a few tips to guide you through this method.

1. Use Two Tennis Balls for a Supine Lower Back Massage

There are times when you may want to lie down on your stomach to apply this method. You may use a tennis ball between yourself and a bed. Place it strategically on or near the spot where your back is hurting.

After that, lie down with your stomach on the ball and allow it to support you. It’s recommended to place a pillow beneath your feet to take the pressure off your tailbone.

An example of back pain that may have been felt in this area is a muscle strain that may have been caused by too much sitting.

2. Use Two Tennis Balls while Lying on Your Side

Another way of using tennis balls to relieve back pain is to lie on your side with a ball between your knees. Place one ball between your knees at first.

When you find yourself comfortable, move on to placing another ball between your knees.

The fact that you could adjust the ball’s location allows you to focus on specific or multiple points of pain.

3. Try Pressing a Single Tennis Ball on Your Lower Back

The idea behind this method is not to place a tennis ball on an area affected by back pain. Rather, it is to place it beneath the area.

Simply lie down on your stomach to place it on the back of your spine. Rest your upper body on the bed and allow the ball to do its work.

When you do this, you may find that it stays in place. If it doesn’t, you may want to try placing a pillow beneath your lower back.

4. Try Sitting on a Tennis Ball to Relieve Lower Back Pain

This is another method that focuses on the gluteal, or buttocks, area.

Simply sit on a tennis ball for about 20 minutes. The pressure that the ball puts on this area leads to an improved blood flow, which in turn helps to promote healing.

5. Roll a Tennis Ball under Each Foot

To help relieve foot pain and your lower back, it’s a good idea to roll a tennis ball under each of your feet.

Simply roll from side to side. It doesn’t matter which foot you start with, just as long as you focus on the foot that’s experiencing pain.

Doing so will help relieve the pain on your feet and that of your lower back in a very short period of time.


Indeed, tennis balls may help mitigate the pain in your lower back. Of course, you must still consult with your doctor just to ensure that your techniques will not worsen the pain.

The great thing about the DIY lower back massage techniques mentioned above is that they can all be done at home without needing any tools or devices.

Once you are able to utilize them, you can start to enjoy your life again without worrying about the pain in your back.

If you are looking for a reliable source of online back pain programs, look no further than our helpful tips here at Rhythmic Health. Our mission is to help people solve their health challenges and then lead ever more fulfilling lives. Check out our website for more of our healthy recommendations and their proper techniques.

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