
Back Pain

Poor Posture and Back Pain: Do They Relate to Each Other?

Having poor posture can be detrimental to your body’s health. It may cause the loads on your spine to disperse the wrong way and weaken your back tissues. Eventually, these damages will cause you discomfort and pain.

Learn more about posture, chronic back pain, and how they relate to each other when you continue reading.

What Are the Worst Postural Habits?

Many health experts believe that the following postural habits can cause muscle imbalances and ineffective back support. These habits may be the reason why your back hurts.

  • Slouching or bending forward
  • Sitting with a rounded back
  • Sitting with your head down
  • Hunching shoulders
  • Texting or using other handheld devices in an awkward posture
  • Standing for long hours without moving
  • Using a poor posture when doing household chores

How Can Poor Posture Lead to Back Pain?

Having poor posture can make your back vulnerable to stress and strain. When your back is not in the correct position, it may bend your spine in the wrong way. Hence, it will not be able to support the average amount of weight from your body.

If your body’s weight is not well distributed, your spine will be forced to bear too much weight. This will cause back inflammation, pain, and other problems.

Furthermore, if you have a bad posture, it can cause muscle imbalances. This will cause your back muscles to weaken and your spine to become stiff. As a result, your back may not be able to hold your normal body weight.

What Is a Supportive Posture?

A supportive posture maintains the natural curve of your spine. In a supportive posture, your back is held upright, your shoulder blades are positioned correctly, and your pelvis and head are in line.

Being in a supportive posture will help you perform your daily tasks better as well as prevent you from having back pain.

How Can You Use Supportive Posture to Relieve Back Pain?

To achieve a supportive posture, you can practice doing the following activities:

1. Lift Objects Carefully

When lifting objects, bend your knees and your hips. Avoid bending your back. Also, when lifting an object, use your legs and arms rather than leaning forward.

2. Sit Up with Your Back Flush against the Chair

When sitting, you should sit with your back flush against the back of the chair. You should position your shoulders over your hips correctly. For better posture, choose a seat that fits your body.

3. Walk Straight and Tall

Make sure that you are standing upright when you walk. Avoid tilting your head down or hunching your shoulders over.

4. Get Up from Sitting Every Hour to Relieve Pressure

If your job requires sitting for hours, it is good to get up every hour and stretch. This will help to prevent back pain, muscle fatigue, and soreness.

5. Perform Regular Exercise, Such as Yoga, to Improve Posture

Performing yoga regularly can help you improve your posture and prevent back pain. The good thing about yoga exercises is that they can be performed even in the comfort of your own home.

Final Thoughts

If you want to prevent your back from hurting or get rid of aches and pains, you need to practice using a good posture. Keep in mind that you should not force yourself to do this overnight. You need to practice using a good posture for several weeks and make it a habit for your health.

Learn more about managing chronic back pain through Rhythmic Health. We are committed to helping people solve these challenges and boost the quality of their lives. Sign up for our newsletter today to get the latest news and tips straight to your inbox.

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