
Back Pain

How to Increase Your Flexibility for Reduced Back Pain

Inflexible joints and ligaments put additional strain on muscles and joint mobility, increasing the likelihood of injury and pain. Exercises and stretches to improve flexibility are essential elements of your back pain and overall treatment.

Back pain can be controlled perfectly with exercises and general double-checks to ensure your control is complete. If you keep up with these regular routines, you’ll never have to worry about spending a few weeks or months on the couch because of back pain again.

Here are ways you can increase flexibility to reduce back pain:

1. Stretching

Like any other muscle in the body, the back muscles respond to stress by tightening. Stretching them is the best way to keep them loose. If you go through your day without stretching, they become tight and immobile.

While it might not be possible to stretch every muscle in your body, you can certainly stretch your back muscles. This allows the muscles to repair themselves and remove knots, making them more flexible.

Stretching can also burn calories and control blood pressure, so it is an excellent all-around exercise. Routine stretching is essential for anyone who wants to decrease their level of back pain.

Stretching is best done in the morning and before bed. Spend 5–10 minutes stretching your back and any other stiff muscles before bed. Avoid static stretches like toe touching with straight legs and arms crossed across the chest. Static stretching can cause muscle rips and herniated disks.

Instead, include dynamic stretches and gentle movements that gradually increase your flexibility. To give your muscles a gentle wake-up call, stretch them vigorously for about 30 seconds.

2. Yoga

Much like flexible, dynamic stretching, yoga is a gentle exercise that can help you increase flexibility and reduce back pain.

The ancient yoga practice combines stretching and physical exercises to achieve a sense of internal peace and physical balance. The poses and movements in yoga are gentle while strengthening and stretching the body.

Moreover, yoga can help reduce stress and strengthen your body to handle stress more efficiently. Finally, yoga can also help relieve back and neck pain, similar to chiropractic care.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water can help you increase flexibility. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent the onset of dehydration and improves your body’s ability to maintain the proper balance of fluids. Drinking enough water, especially before exercise, can help keep your body healthy and prevent muscle cramping.

4. Take a 10-15 Minute Walk

Many of us have forgotten the benefits of a leisurely walk in today’s fast-paced world. A brisk walk is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health and mood. A quick 10-15 minute walk can positively affect your flexibility and help you maintain a healthy weight.

A walk can also help improve your flexibility by allowing your back muscles to relax and lengthen during your walk. A natural way to increase your flexibility, walking can positively impact your back pain.


If you’re looking to increase your flexibility, you should consider starting with one of the methods above. 

The healthier your body is, the better it protects you against pain and discomfort. Be sure to continue to eat healthily, exercise daily, and keep your back and body healthy through regular chiropractic care.

Remember, the best way to prevent back pain is to be proactive and focus on improving your overall health. Here in  Rhythmic Health, our mission is to help people overcome health challenges and live more fulfilling lives. Contact us today!

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