
Weight Loss

What Are the Best and Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

In recent memory, we saw the alarming rise of lifestyle diseases. What is even scarier is that it affects adults and children alike. If you think about it, this health hazard is not surprising, especially with so many sugary products readily available on the market.

Thankfully, it is not too late to do an about-face. You can shift to a healthier lifestyle by being more active and serving more nutritious meals. It includes your beverages. This lifestyle shift is key to weight loss and a more fulfilling and longer life.

If one of your goals is to lose weight, take note of the following best and worst drinks for weight loss:

Best: Water

If you have to choose only one, water is the best beverage for weight loss. It helps you lose weight because it contains zero calories and is a cheap beverage. 

Water also helps with bowel movements because it absorbs the water from the waste inside the intestine. It prevents constipation, bloating, and gas. If you are following a detox diet, it is also essential to drink plenty of water.

Best: Skim or Soy Milk

You should skip the whole cream milk with either of these two because they contain lesser calories. If you are lactose intolerant, the latter is a great alternative. You should also avoid adding sugar to your milk; the best way to lose weight is to drink the plain variety.

Skim milk is also an excellent alternative because it has similar health benefits to cow’s milk but fewer calories. It promotes bone health because it contains vitamin D. Skim milk also contains the probiotics that your body needs to prevent diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Best: Green Tea

The green tea plant is loaded with antioxidants, so it is linked to weight loss. It helps you shed off extra pounds by improving the body’s metabolism and increasing energy expenditure. The high level of catechins in the tea also helps you lose weight. Catechins are derived from plants and are known to speed up the rate of fat burning.   

Worst: Soda

Soda is loaded with sugars and artificial ingredients. It contains empty calories and sugar will do more damage than good to the body. 

It alters the sugar metabolism so that you will have sugar cravings. If you want to lose weight, you have to cut soda from your diet. Soda has too many calories and it can be more detrimental than beneficial.  

Worst: Specialty Coffee

It is the perfect example of a drink that has both negative and positive attributes and can be a weight loss drink, but it contains too many calories. There are specialty coffee drinks that can give you the jolt you need but it is loaded with sugar.


If you are trying to lose weight, you should cut on the calories you eat and drink. It does not mean that you have to give up your favorite food and drinks. You just have to be smart about it by knowing the amount of calories you consume.

Drink water for weight loss because it is calorie-free, delicious, and refreshing. If you want to drink something with other flavors, go for soy, skim, or low-fat milk. It is best to avoid sodas and specialty coffee drinks because they contain too much sugar.  

If you are ready to change to a healthier lifestyle, you should consult Rhythmic Health. We can help you with your weight loss goals and alleviate your chronic back pain, so book a session now!

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