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Supplement Spotlight: How Much Fish Oil Should You Take?

No matter how strong you think you are, your body is more fragile than you think. For this reason, people are encouraged to use any means necessary to improve their bodies’ condition, such as exercise and a proper diet. However, this isn’t often enough because not all nutrients are present in food. Luckily, taking dietary supplements such as fish oil can help.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have many health benefits. Taking supplements can increase your overall performance and reduce your risk of heart stroke and other illnesses. Because of this, it’s no surprise that many people are taking fish oil to boost their overall health. However, the tricky part lies finding the best amount to take because different people have different needs. For this reason, we’ll discuss the details in this article.

How Much Fish Oil Should Be Taken in a Day?

The recommended daily amount of fish oil is 1,000 milligrams. This can also be translated to 2 grams. However, it’s not always easy to take 2 grams of fish oil daily. That’s why people are encouraged to spread their intake out into smaller amounts daily. For example, 1,000 milligrams can be taken four times a day. This can be done by taking 250 milligrams at each intake.

However, despite the recommended amount being 1,000 milligrams a day, this doesn’t mean that you have to take that much. Instead, you can adjust your intake according to your needs, but following the recommended amount is suitable for better results.

The Right Amount of Fish Oil for Older Adults

Older adults have the exact needs as younger adults, though they can even have more requirements because of the life changes they’ve gone through. For this reason, older adults are encouraged to take the same amount of fish oil as younger adults. However, older adults are more fragile than younger adults, so they should start with a smaller amount.

You can choose to start with 1,000 milligrams, but you can adjust it to 100 milligrams less or more. Each person is different, so you have to experiment to see what’s best for you. However, you have to ensure that you don’t consume more than 3 grams a day.

The Right Amount of Fish Oil for Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Healthy people are encouraged to take about 1,000 milligrams of fish oil daily. However, if your cholesterol levels are high, you should take more than that. In this case, you lessen your intake to 800 milligrams a day.

It’s also worth noting that fish oil can sometimes inadvertently increase harmful cholesterol levels, so you need to be careful. It’s best to consult with a dietician or nutritionist first to ensure that you take the right amount of fish oil for your needs.

The Right Amount of Fish Oil for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women need extra omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are passed on to the baby through the placenta. However, you have to be careful with the amount of fish oil because taking too much fish oil can be hazardous to the baby’s health.

The recommended daily intake of fish oil during pregnancy is 800 milligrams. This considers the amount that the baby will be consuming, making sure that they get the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids while they’re growing in the womb.

The Right Amount of Fish Oil for Triglyceride Impact

Triglycerides are the primary components of fat. People trying to lower their triglyceride levels are encouraged to take about 3 ng/ml. For a point of comparison, the average level of triglycerides is about 150 mg/dl. However, it’s worth noting that triglyceride impact is different from triglyceride levels.

If you have triglyceride levels in the normal range or even lower, you’re encouraged not to worry about the amount of fish oil you’re taking as long as it’s healthy. For example, you can take 500 milligrams of fish oil every day. However, if you have any other health problems, you might have to take more or less depending on your needs.


As you can see, the recommended daily amount of fish oil that you should be taking depends on your needs. However, you also have to consider other health conditions that you might have and your age in determining how much fish oil to take. You have to consult with your nutritionist or dietician to learn more.

If you’re looking for the best fish oil supplements, Rhythmic Health has what you need! We also offer a wide range of products to keep you in good health, and we also have various resources to keep you informed. Simply go to our website and take your pick!

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