
Back Pain

Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Is It a Good Solution for Back Pain?

Back pain is a common health complaint, and the causes of back pain vary. Bad habits, such as improper posture or poor lifting technique, are one cause of back pain. Car accidents, muscle or ligament strains, injuries, ruptured discs, arthritis or other diseases can also lead to pain. Various factors increase the risk of developing back pain, including excess weight and lack of exercise. If you have been dealing with back pain and need a solution for it, you may want to look into an anti-inflammatory diet. 

Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Is It a Good Solution for Back Pain?

An anti-inflammatory diet can reduce or slow the progression of joint inflammation, which is a painful symptom of many conditions, including arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis). The diet also helps with many other health conditions, including heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and lupus. In all, inflammation is a factor in dozens of diseases and health problems.

The anti-inflammatory diet is based on the idea that inflammation is at the root of most health conditions. The diet cuts out foods that promote inflammation and adds foods that quell the body’s inflammatory response.

Cutting Out the Bad

Inflammation is the body’s normal response to irritation and an effort to repair the affected area. But many factors can cause chronic inflammation. For example, eating too many omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in many fried, fast, and processed foods can lead to inflammation. Also, consuming a lot of sugars, whether from sweets or processed foods, can increase inflammation.

Foods that promote inflammation include:

Trans fats

Added sugars

Omega-6 fats, which are found in many fried, fast and processed foods

Processed foods

Fried foods

Dairy products



Dried fruits

Red meats

Artificial sweeteners

Does an Anti-inflammatory Diet Reduce Pain?

While doctors don’t specifically prescribe anti-inflammatory diets for back pain, many people say that a low-inflammatory diet helps them with their back pain. The diet focuses on anti-inflammatory foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

Since inflammation is often an underlying cause of chronic pain, a diet that minimizes inflammation may have a positive effect. Adding more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet may be all it takes to reduce back pain and other sources of discomfort.

Why an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Is a Good Idea

The anti-inflammatory diet is a really good idea, whether or not it reduces back pain right away. The diet is based on what foods promote inflammation in the body, and it helps eliminate those foods. Most of us eat too much of the bad stuff, so by reducing the number of inflammatory foods we consume and increasing the number of anti-inflammatory foods, we’re already doing something good for our health.


If you suffer from chronic back pain, you should consider an anti-inflammatory diet. Many people say that an anti-inflammatory diet helps with back pain since it cuts out many things that cause inflammation in the body. A low-inflammatory diet also helps with other aspects of general health. Besides, an anti-inflammatory diet, if followed correctly, can cause you to eat more healthfully overall.

Dealing with chronic back pain may be difficult. Finding an effective solution should be a priority. Read more content from Rhythmic Health to help you find relief. Our mission is to help people solve their health challenges and then lead ever more fulfilling lives. We believe (and science agrees) that many health challenges can be solved with relatively small changes to daily life. We think of it as “finding your healthy rhythm.” And we’re driven to help each person find theirs.

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